Boardroom Institute Is The Resource Of Choice

BoardRoom magazine has been on your side for over 22 years, offering solutions to the many challenges facing the club industry. Every issue contains relevant and timely content including: retention, recruitment, service, state-of-the-industry, changing demographics, cutting expenses, going green, outside usage, family usage and redefining the country club.
BoardRoom Institute, as an adjunct to BoardRoom magazine, is the resource of choice for private club boards, their directors, committees, committee chairs and others associated with private club governance.
BoardRoom Institute
Provides a tool box (white papers, books, forms and templates) for club governance,
Certifies private clubs. Through certification, BoardRoom Institute is effectively showing private clubs how to operate with collaborative governance.
Provides seminars, workshops online, and
Provides customized consultation for clubs.
Our Mission: To help clubs operate efficiently by optimizing the relationship between the volunteers and the paid executives through collaborative governance.
Certification through BoardRoom Institute shows private clubs how they can operate through collaborative governance, so they can govern in most efficient and effective manner to optimize the membership's investment.
If boards of directors govern their clubs the way they should, the clubs will operate with the least investment while obtaining the highest results.